

Take the eastern exit off the A36 at Codford, opposite the Stockton turn.  Turn immediately right when you have left the A36, signposted Malmpit Hill, with a no through road sign.  Follow this road up the hill past four houses.  Bear left at the brow, onto the private access road.  Follow this road up the steep hill then along the top of the farm for 2 miles. Codford Biogas is next to the road on the right.

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Site Manager

Kevin Savory: 07702 213 165

Commercial Manager

(Food waste contact) 
Emma Jackett: 07717 414 492

Site telephone: 01985 850582.

Site Address

Codford Biogas Ltd. Malmpit Hill, Codford, Warminster, Wiltshire BA12 0PA 

Josh Stratton 07770 933 332