Our unique benefits

By sending waste to Codford, significant environmental benefits from waste recycling can be assured. The advantages at Codford are considerable:

Total Food Waste Recycling

All types of waste can be processed with “zero-to-landfill” by-products. The depackaging technology separates out the non-digestible elements into recyclable products that are sent to create refuse derived fuel (“RDF”).

Power Purchase Agreements

The electricity produced is generated by food waste, and sold back to large suppliers of the food waste in the electricity grid network.

Carbon Capture

Digestate bio-fertiliser is utilised on the surrounding farmland without having to go back onto a vehicle. Digestate is pumped straight from the plant onto growing crops, via a network of lagoons and underground pipes. The use of carbon-intensive artificial fertiliser is reduced by 70-80% through this process.

Heat Use

Excess heat generated by the plant is captured to generate additional electricity, and heat is used by other businesses that require large quantities of heat in their processes.

By working with Codford Biogas, we believe that the carbon capture and recycling story can be effectively used by customers and corporates to promote their Corporate Social Responsibility (“CSR”) programmes and customer awareness. Learn more by visiting the East Farm website.